So I want to write a blog post but I don't know what to write about haha. And I'm sick so I don't really wanna do much but blogging sounded fun but I'm just out of ideas to write on. Oh wait! I know what to write!
So I've always been terrified of needles right? I was the kid who when I got shots, I would just give Dad a big hug and look away. I would cry even before they poked me. Even when I was a teenager I wanted to hold Dad but I was too old. I had a hepatitis booster shot and complained the whole day about my arm hurting. When I had my back surgery my sophomore year of high school, they gave me an IV and I cried. My parents were just like calm down it's just an IV. I really just hate needles. In high school when we reached the age that we could donate blood, everyone was like I'm donating and I'm just like uh ya right not gonna happen. Besides, I didn't weigh enough. That was my excuse at least. And I thought I couldn't donate since growing up I was always told that my mom didn't donate cuz she couldn't. I assumed that I couldn't either.
Then I move to Utah and my stake has a huge blood drive. I was talking to Rachel about how I would but I don't think I can blah blah blah and she was like well do you know that for sure and I was like well no I'll find out. I called Dad and since he didn't answer I called aunt Shelly and she said the only reason Mom couldn't was cuz of some of the medications she was on and cuz of her sleep machine thingy. As long as I weighed enough and was qualified under the under requirements, I could donate. So I went with Rachel and was all psyched up to donate. But they turned us away cuz they had too many people!
Now I am service co-chair in my ward and the stake was having another huge blood drive and I was like I am going to donate this time! I wasn't even scared at all to do it. But then I got a cold and when the lady called me to set up my appointment she was like can't donate if you're sick and I was like DOOM!! Now I really wanna donate and am super sad that I haven't been able to yet. What the heck?!? I'm finally ready and I can't. How ironic.