Monday, April 28, 2008

another step in the ladder of life

Summer 2008 has barely started and I already love it. I love seeing my friends again and making new ones. I missed the spiritual environment and the wonderful atmosphere. Not that home was a bad atmosphere I just really missed being in Rexburg. Classes are a little crazy but they are still great. I have 4 classes in a row on Mondays and Wednesdays so I'm go go go all afternoon. But I come home to 2 wonderful roommates. Oh by the way I call Cali home and Rexburg home just to get that straightened out. I have already had to use my wheelchair this semester. My brand new crutches decided to bust on me so my dad had to send me new crutch tips. The washer in the crutch tip sliced the bottom almost completely off. But they're good to go now so their as good as new. The weather here has been SOO nice compared to last week when it was cold and it even snowed on Thursday. Been able to walk around outside without a sweatshirt. Hope it stays this beautiful.
Till next time,

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