I'm all moved in! I'm in apartment 30 in College Terrace. Remember how I said I count stairs? So...49. There are 49 stairs to get from my car to my apartment. Dude! If my arms weren't already strong enough apparently they're going to get stronger! Haha. I knew one person here living in the same complex (she is a few years older than me but she was in my same ward at home!). I checked into my apartment, opened the door, and sure enough she's one of my roommates! I was so surprised! I haven't taken pictures yet of the apartment but I'm going to either tonight or tomorrow. Right now, I'm just tired from moving and going up the stairs multiple times. I'll get used to it. I'm also putting off unpacking cuz I'm being lazy :P
Today I had an interview to be an emergency medical dispatcher for Gold Cross Ambulances. I think I was her first interview and it went really well. She kept saying that I had a good attitude and that I had good answers. The only concern I could see bothered her was the commute. It'd be in Salt Lake and I live in Orem, but I assured her that it was ok and I'd be perfectly able and willing to make the commute. I really hope I get it. I don't really like my job (ok, let's be honest, I really don't like my job) and I haven't really had any real jobs. But I really am excited for the job besides that.
I have a lot to post today sorry :) Today also marks exactly 9 years since my mom died. Although I miss her, I have had a wonderful life since then and have grown so much. And I absolutely love the family that I have now! I really do! I may not show it enough, but I really do love them :)
And here's the kicker news...so remember that 2 weeks deal? Ya...how about almost 2 days haha. We didn't talk at all on Wednesday and that made me think a lot about our relationship. My head is in this. It may look like I'm just letting my emotions take control, but I'm not. Having this long distance relationship and having not actually met him in person yet, I have had to use my head a lot. I'm not dumb. I don't throw my emotions everywhere. I won't just give my heart to anybody. You have to work to earn it. And Stuart and worked hard. I called him last night but he was having bad weather so we talked on Skype. For a LONG time. We talked about everything that happened with this break deal and how each of us felt. And we talked a little bit about what happened last weekend. Basically, we decided that we need to work on our communication skills between each other. It's hard to do that if we don't talk to each other. He's being very patient with me and I'm trying really hard to understand how to be in a relationship. I'm really glad that he is in my life and I can't wait to meet him in 2 weeks.
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